How Customer Acquisition has Changed
Your SMARTech Journey starts with understanding the factors that drive the adoption of a new organizational philosophy — SMARTech Convergence.
There was a time when digital marketing did not require large investments in terms of time and resources. In the past years, implementing just about any tactic (whether it be SEO, PPC, email marketing, etc.) was a cost-effective way to acquire customers due to the lack of companies leveraging the digital marketing channel.
But this is no longer the case...
The marketplace has changed. More and more companies are competing for customers online. As a result, the cost to acquire a customer in the digital space is constantly rising.
The customer has also changed. They are becoming more inundated with unnecessary information. Unhelpful digital content, irrelevant ads and spam emails are causing customers to become increasingly sales-averse and suspicious.
The customer prefers to inform their own buying decisions by subconsciously taking advantage of the technology and the wealth of information available to them.